Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Journey: Day 2

As previously stated, I am in the midst of weight training. Actually I just started ;)

Weight training, for me, is something new to do and something to mix up my normal work outs. I've been the type of person to try and stick with one thing and see if it works, but unfortunately I'm too impatient enough to actually sick with it if I don't see results. Hence weight training.

It is day two and I already feel a difference in my body.


Day 1:

Workout: Triceps/Chest
It was insane! Hard in the beginning but once I was done, it was an amazing feeling. (I follow, for those who wonder what work outs I do :) )

As for meals...I'm supposed to be sicking to a protein based diet with greens and some carbs/starches (not after 7:00pm though). Which is hard because I'm usually a late night eater..but that is all changing!

My meals for yesterday were:

M1: oatmeal with flaxseed, chia seeds, honey, cinnamon, and mixed nuts. --> DELICIOUS. I don't know what I would do without my oatmeal :)

M2: Banana with vita coco water (pomegranate and acai) yummmo

M3: organic wheat bread with avocado, tomato with a side of snap peas and blueberries :)

M4: Protein shake (loveeeeee vanilla protein! They don't have many brands that I know over here, so I looked and compared all the nutritional values and found that USN was the best option, plus, it tastes yummy!)

M5: Quinoa with peas and tuna

M6: (it was during my late class and I knew I would be hungry) Medjool dates with a little natural peanut butter on the inside (I give credit to Kelley Olexa for that yummy treat!)

M7: I didn't go to bed till around 11-12 pm so (of course) I was hungry again, so I had a handful of nuts to tide me over.

I eat around 6-7 meals per day, it keeps me going and makes sure that I am not starving till my next meal.

As for hydrating myself, I like to drink a lot of tea, coconut water and almond milk, however, I do try to drink as much water as possible. But sometimes you just forget ;) *goal* drink more WATER!

Day 2:

Workout: biceps/back
I was definitely feeling it this morning, however, I got up, and went to the gym! It's an amazing feeling when you have enough time to actually go to the gym without rushing.

My food for today was less then creative...I just kind of ate left overs so they wouldn't spoil.

M1: of course...OATMEAL, today it was amazing, seriously, I mixed in a banana with blueberries and honey and cinnamon. SOOOO good, for some reason oatmeal just does it for me in the morning. It's warm and comforting, especially in Ireland when it's really cold, like it was today :)

M2: protein shake! and the rest of my banana chips (about 1/4 cup) i wanted to finish them, because during my training it's not good to have dried fruit because of all of the added sugar.

M3: Quinoa, avocado, and black berries. Now, I LOVE all fruit (no, really, I do) But, besides strawberries, blackberries have to be one of my favorite. NOM NOM

M4: was an Apple. I was running out of class and I knew I wouldn't have time to get back to my apartment so I grabbed an apple before I left. Smart on my part because I was STARVING!

M5: now, usually this is the meal I count as my dinner, but I knew that I would be hungry again later, so I treated this as another "light" meal. Again, with this training, you're supposed to have protein, greens and a little carbs at every meal except for dinner (no carbs) however, I was CRAVING peanut butter, so I had 2 slices of organic whole grain toast with pb. a little piece of heaven during this dreary day :)

M6: quinoa, tuna and a tomato...not the most delicious thing i've ever made, but it did the trick and I know I won't be hungry again till the morning. Which was the purpose after all!

I know this post was long, I'm sorry, I need to post more often. However, I hope this gives you insight on to my daily routines and how I choose to live my day-to-day life :)

Something to remember...

I say this to myself every day. And it works :)


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